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Dr. Magda Gomes, PhD - Brazil


Personal Statement


As a medical oncologist and clinical researcher, I have the expertise and experience to lead and contribute significantly to important projects in hereditary cancers, focus in women´s cancer and in investigating factors that modify the risk of breast/ovarian and prostate cancer in BRCA1 and BRCA2 carriers.

Since 2005 until now, I have coordinated the breast cancer research projects in the breast cancer group at the Universidade Federal Fluminense do Rio de Janeiro and Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro, which is an oncology referral center in Brazil and approximately 600 new breast cancer patients are diagnosed and treated per year.

I am the chief of a private cancer center, Ceogen, with a population of 400 new patients per year of breast cancer patients.

I am the author or co-author of manuscripts related to breast cancer burden in Brazil, and risk factors for development of breast cancer in Brazilian patients. One of my main goals is to expand the knowledge of the particular features of breast and prostate cancer in Brazil. Accordingly, my main research topics comprehend the following: 1) Prevalence of BRCA mutations among breast and prostate  cancer patients, 2) Medical, biomedical and psychosocial characteristics of Brazilian young breast cancer patients, 3) Outcomes and survivorship among young breast cancer women, and 4) Biomarkers of response to neoadjuvant treatment in locally advanced breast disease.

I am particularly interested in breast/ovarian and prostate cancer in the Brazil population, and, in this regard, I am the P.I. one project done in collaboration with Dr. Steven Narod, with extremely important results that have already resulted in four peer-reviewed publications. I am speaker, researcher and consultor in breast/ovarian and prostate cancer, including hereditary cancer.

My role is expand the knowledge of the particular features of breast /ovarian and prostate cancer in Brazil and integrate with the international collaborators, as well as  a member of Clinical Cancer Genetics Community of Practice (CCGCoP).

Work Information & Awards.


Positions and Employment

2010 - 2013

Ph.D. in Medical Sciences . 
Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, UERJ, Brasil. 
Major Area: Health Sciences / Área: Medicine. 
Activities Sectors: Activities related to human health. Genetic Breast Cancer.


2005 - 2008

Master´s in Medicine (Ginecology) . 
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ, Brasil. 
Major Area: Health Sciences / Área: Medicine.


2003 - 2005

Specialization - Medical Residency . 
Hospital Universitario Clementino Braga Filho. Medical Residency in: Medical Oncology

2000 - 2002

Specialization - Medical Residency . 
Hospital Universitário Clementino Fraga Filho. Medical Residency in: Internal Medicine

2005 - 2005

Specialization in fellowship . 
Women s College Hospital & University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. 
Advisor: Steven Narod. 

International Union Against Cancer .

Other Experience and Professional Memberships



2012 - Award Recipient of the Brazilian Society of Clinical Oncology/ American Society  Clinical Oncology.

2012 - Award Recipient of the 2 °  Prêmio Roche in Breast Cancer

2008 - Award Recipient of the  Lilly Clinical Practice in Breast Cancer.

2017 - Clinical Cancer Genetics Community of Practice (CCGCoP).

2017 - Advisor of Fundacao Laco Rosa

Selected publications


1. GOMES, M. C. B. ; Kotsopoulos, Joanne ; Leao de Almeida, Gutemberg ; Costa, Mauricio M ; Vieira, Roberto ; de A G Filho, Firmino ; Pitombo, Marcos B ; Leal, Paulo Roberto F ; Royer, Robert ; Zhang, Phil ; Narod, Steven A . . Hereditary Cancer in Clinical Practice (Online), v. 10, p. 3, 2012.


2. Ginsburg OM ; Akbari MR ; Aziz Z ; Young R ; Lynch H ; Ghadirian P ; Robidoux A. ; Londono J ; Vasquez G ; GOMES, M. C. B. ; Costa M.M ; Dimitrakakis C ; Gutierrez G ; Pilarski R ; Robert Royer ; Steven Narod . . Familial Cancer, v. 8, p. 563-567, 2009.


3. Shiyu Zhang ; Catherine M. Phelan ; GOMES, M. C. B. . Frequency of the CHEK2 1100delC mutation among women with breast cancer: an international study. Cancer Research, v. 68, p. 2154-2157, 2008.


4. GOMES, M. C. B. . Prevalence of BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutations in Breast Cancer Patients from Brazil. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, v. 103, p. 349-353, 2007.


5. Eloa Brabo ; Marcos Paschoal ; Fernanda Nogueira ; GOMES, M. C. B. . Brazilian version of the QLQ-LC13 lung cancer module of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer: preliminary reliability and validity report.. Quality of Life Research, v. 15, p. 1519-1524, 2006.


6. Firmino, A.G.F ; GOMES, M. C. B. . Ocular metastasis of breast cancer: five cases report. Revista Brasileira de Cancerologia, v. 47, p. 185-192, 2001.

Other Scientific Activities


  1. GBCS 2017 Switch therapy with steroidal aromatase inhibitor and the benefits relate to women’s bone health

  2. Speaker in Forum of Breast Cancer Politics, Rio de Janeiro, May,2017

  3. 50th ASCO Annual Meeting. Chicago, US; June 2016.

  4. Speaker in Forum of Breast Cancer Politics, Rio de Janeiro, May,2016

  5. Onco Master Meeting 2016, Rio de Janeiro, April, 2016

  6.  38th Annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium. San Antonio, US; December 2015. Regional Latin America Palbociclib /Breast Cancer Advisory Board at The San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS).  

  7. II NBCC. Rio de Janeiro, BR; April 2015. Meet the clinical Experts: round table clinical cases reviews. Dr. Hope Hugo

  8. 37th Annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium. San Antonio, US; December 2014. Regional Latin America Aromasin /Breast Cancer Advisory Board at The San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS). 

  9.  50th ASCO Annual Meeting. Chicago, US; June 2014. “Management of High Risk HBOC  Cancers” Lecture and Q&A

  10.  “Experience Exchange Meeting 2014 in breast cancer treatment”, Paris; March 2014.

  11. OLS Latam. Panamá, May 2014.

  12. GBECAM. A Mutação R337H no gene TP53e câncer de mama no Brasil. São Paulo,2012.            

Other Professional Activities


2000-                     Member, American Society of Clinical Oncology, USA

2002-                     Member, Brazilian Board of Internal Medicine, Brazil

2005-                     Member, Medical Society of Clinical Oncology, Brazil

2005-                     Member, Brazilian Board of Medical Oncology, Brazil

2005-                     Fellowship Women´s College Hospital & University of Toronto

2017                      Member of City of Hope Clinical Cancer Genomics Community of Practice 

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