Dr. Steven Yip, MD - Canada

Steven Yip, MD is a chief medical oncology resident at the Tom Baker Cancer Centre, University of Calgary. He achieved an MSc in Health Research Methodology. He will begin his genitourinary prostate cancer fellowship under the supervision of Dr. Kim Chi at the BC Cancer Agency – Vancouver Cancer Centre & Prostate Cancer Centre – in July 2017.
He has incorporated biologic correlative data in the retrospective analysis of 4970 patients to characterize chromophobe metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC) treatment outcomes in the targeted therapy era.1 These findings were presented at the 2016 ASCO Annual Meeting, and the in print with the journal Kidney Cancer. He has received the Conquer Cancer Foundation Merit Award for his research on real world outcomes of immuno-oncology agents in mRCC, which was presented at 2017 GU ASCO.2 Dr. Yip has also published a literature review examining the impact of body composition on targeted therapy outcomes in mRCC.3 His work on urothelial Outcomes in Advanced Urothelial Cancer and the Role of Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR) in the Second-Line Treatment Setting, as well as Managing the future utilization of medical oncology services: A workforce planning model will be presented at the 2017 Canadian Association of Medical Oncologist (CAMO) Annual Meeting.4,5
1. Yip S, Ruiz Morales J, Donskov F, et al. Outcomes of Metastatic Chromophobe Renal Cell Carcinoma (chrRCC) in the Targeted Therapy Era: Results from the International Metastatic Renal Cell Cancer Database Consortium (IMDC). Kidney Cancer, In Press, 2017.
2. Yip SM, Wells C, Moreira R, Wong A, Srinivas S, Beuselinck B, Porta C, Sim HW, Ernst S, Rini BI, Yuasa T, Basappa N, Kanesvaran R, Wood LA, Soulieres D, Canil C, Kapoor A, Fu S, Choueiri TK, Heng DYC (2017). Real World Experience of Immuno-Oncology Agents in Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma: Results from the International Metastatic Renal Cell Cancer Database Consortium (IMDC). J Clin Oncol, 2017;35:Abstr 492.
3. Yip S, Heng D, Tang P. Review of the interaction between body composition and clinical outcomes in metastatic renal cell cancer treated with targeted therapies. Journal of Kidney Cancer and VHL. 2016;3(1):12-22.
4. Yip SM, Kaiser J, Li H, North S, Heng DYC, Alimohamed N (2017). Outcomes in Advanced Urothelial Cancer and the Role of Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR) in the Second-Line Treatment Setting. Accepted to 2017 CAMO Annual Scientific Meeting.
5. Yip SM, Loewen S, Li H, Easaw J (2017). Managing the future utilization of medical oncology services: A workforce planning model. Accepted to 2017 CAMO Annual Scientific Meeting.